HALFEN Framing System offers with the corresponding HALFEN Bolts and channel nuts all advantages for flexible bolt connections. HALFEN Framing System offers with the corresponding HALFEN Bolts and channel nuts all advantages for flexible bolt connections.
Framing channels are applied in many areas, such as for example:
Due to the variety of the system consisting of HALFEN framing channels, bolts and accessories the most economic solutions for different requirements can be chosen.
HALFEN cast-in channels are the ideal basis for easy-to-install, adjustable connections to concrete. An easily removable strip filler provides protection against the ingress of concrete into the channel. After pouring the concrete, simple twist-in T-bolts can be adjusted along the length of the channel giving versatile anchoring positioning. The high performance and reliability of this HALFEN system allows its use throughout the building and civil engineering industries: including commercial buildings, hospitals, schools, government buildings, stadiums, water treatment plants, manufacturing plants, transportation structures, tunnels, and bridges.